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“English 4Tw”, was a web-based online English dictionary previously developed. Since the product was officially launched, we have received many feedbacks from users one after another. Among them, many problems have been reflected in the performance and user experience of the web version on the mobile, so we plan to develop an app dedicated to the mobile phone.

# Mobile App, Flutter, Language Learning, UX Research, UI Design, Design System


Sonic Studio

The primary purpose of “Sonic Studio” is to optimise the user's experience of sound settings, further providing in-game noise cancellation and volume stabilisation to enhance everything you hear and performance.

# Desktop App, Window UWP Guideline, RWD, Audio Setting, UX Research, UI Design


Design System

A design system must be constructed since it supports many gaming devices, in addition to sharing common components and styles on the software interface, the function setting pages of each device also has its own special components and page layouts. This project uses Sketch as a development tool to develop and update the shared component library in a nested structure, allowing team members to maintain smoothly and efficiently under the same logic.

# Desktop App, Window UWP Guideline, RWD, Design System, UI Design


Smart Meter

This is a cooperation project between Taiwan Electric Power Corporation and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). The purpose is to promote new digital meters and in-home displays (IHD) in home spaces. In addition to collecting and analyzing electricity consumption data, this project which Taipower also hopes to promote a good electricity habit to users.

# Tablet App, Google Material Design, IOT, Meter, Diagram, Smart Function, 
Smart Device, UX/UI Design


IR Hub- Remote Control

It’s a set of smart devices and a gateway which can be controlled by SmartHome, this APP has integrated all devices which are being added to the gateway by WIFI, users can easily control it anytime and anywhere. With SmartHome, the people will be living a safer, smarter and high quality life in the IOT world.

# Mobile App, ios, android, IOT, Smart Home, IR-hub, UX/UI Design


ACCE - Official Website

This is an official website built for the software product called “ASUS Control Center Express”. The content must include pages of “Feature”, “Solutions”, “Tutorial”, “Download”, “FAQ”, and “Feedback”.

# Website, RWD, Dark color, Metallic, Commercial, Calm, Illustration, GUI 

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